Daniel A. Contreras

Daniel A. Contreras

Associate Professor of Anthropology

University of Florida


Daniel Contreras is an associate professor of Anthropology at the University of Florida. His research interests focus on past human-environment interactions over long timescales.

  • Archaeology of the Central Andes
  • Geospatial archaeology
  • Landscape archaeology
  • Digital archaeology
  • PhD in Anthropological Sciences, 2007

    Stanford University

  • MA in Latin American Studies, 1998

    Stanford University

  • BA in Religion, Certificate in Latin American Studies, 1996

    Amherst College


Landscape taphonomy in the Bonneville Basin
Integrating archaeological and geomorphic data to improve reconstruction of past population dynamics by accounting for landscape taphonomy.
Landscape taphonomy in the Bonneville Basin
Scaling the Central Andes
Downscaling paleoclimate data to explore Holocene human-environment interactions in the Central Andes.
Scaling the Central Andes
Programa de Investigación Arqueológica y Conservación Chavín de Huántar
Exploring communal action problems at the 1st millennium BCE monumental center - and World Heritage Site - of Chavín de Huántar in highland Ancash, Peru.
Programa de Investigación Arqueológica y Conservación Chavín de Huántar
Research on the Archaeology of Pastoralism in Tanzania
Research on the Archaeology of Pastoralism in Tanzania.
Research on the Archaeology of Pastoralism in Tanzania
The Stelida Naxos Archaeological Project
The Stelida Naxos Archaeological Project
The Stelida Naxos Archaeological Project

Recent Publications

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(2024). Chronological and Post-Depositional Insights from Single-Grain IRSL Dating of a Palaeolithic Sequence at Stelida, Naxos (Greece). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.


(2024). Reconsidering Chronologies and Cultural Change on the South Coast of Peru: A Compilation and Analysis of Radiocarbon Dates from Nasca, Ica, and Paracas. Quaternary International.


(2023). Cappadocian Obsidian Exchange Networks in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A: A Southern Levantine Perspective from El-Hemmeh (Jordan). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.

Cite DOI

(2023). Google Earth Engine for Archaeologists: An Updated Look at the Progress and Promise of Remotely Sensed Big Data. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.

Cite DOI

(2023). Seeking Synchronicity: Re-examining the Peruvian Early Horizon through Bayesian Modeling of 14C Dates. New Perspectives on the Early Formation of the Andean Civilization: Chronology, Interaction, and Social Organization.

